001package ssh;
003import grails.plugin.remotessh.SshConfig;
005import java.io.BufferedReader;
006import java.io.File;
007import java.io.IOException;
008import java.io.InputStream;
009import java.io.InputStreamReader;
011import ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection;
012import ch.ethz.ssh2.Session;
013import ch.ethz.ssh2.StreamGobbler;
015public class RemoteSSH  {
016        String host = "";
017        String user = "";
018        String sudo = "";
019        Integer port=0;
020        String userpass="";
021        String usercommand = "";
022        String filter = "";
024        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
026        public RemoteSSH(String host, String usercommand) {
027                this.host = host;
028                this.usercommand = usercommand;
029        }
030        public RemoteSSH(String host, String sudo, String usercommand) {
031                this.host = host;
032                this.sudo = sudo;
033                this.usercommand = usercommand;
034        }
036        public RemoteSSH(String host, String user, String sudo, String usercommand) {
037                this.host = host;
038                this.user = user;
039                this.sudo = sudo;
040                this.usercommand = usercommand;
041        }
042        public RemoteSSH(String host, String user, String sudo, String usercommand,String filter) {
043                this.host = host;
044                this.user = user;
045                this.sudo = sudo;
046                this.usercommand = usercommand;
047                this.filter = filter;
048        }
049        public RemoteSSH(String host, String user, String sudo, String usercommand, Integer port) {
050                this.host = host;
051                this.user = user;
052                this.sudo = sudo;
053                this.usercommand = usercommand;
054                this.port=port;
055        }
056        public RemoteSSH(String host, String user, String sudo, String usercommand,String filter, Integer port) {
057                this.host = host;
058                this.user = user;
059                this.sudo = sudo;
060                this.usercommand = usercommand;
061                this.filter = filter;
062                this.port=port;
063        }
064        public RemoteSSH(String host, String user, String userpass, String sudo, String usercommand,String filter,Integer port) {
065                this.host = host;
066                this.user = user;
067                this.userpass=userpass;
068                this.sudo = sudo;
069                this.usercommand = usercommand;
070                this.filter = filter;
071                this.port=port;
072        }
074        public String Result(SshConfig ac) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
075                Object sshuser=ac.getConfig("USER");
076                Object sshpass=ac.getConfig("PASS");
077                Object sshkey=ac.getConfig("KEY");
078                Object sshkeypass=ac.getConfig("KEYPASS");
079                Object sshport=ac.getConfig("PORT");
080                //System.out.println("----"+sshuser.toString());
081                if (user.equals("")) {
082                        user = sshuser.toString();
083                }
084                if (userpass.equals("")) {
085                        userpass = sshpass.toString();
086                }
087                if (port==0) {
088                        String sps=sshport.toString();
089                        if (sps.matches("[0-9]+")) {
090                                port=Integer.parseInt(sps);
091                        }
092                }
093                String hostname = host;
094                String username = user;
095                File keyfile = new File(sshkey.toString());
096                String keyfilePass = sshkeypass.toString();
097                        if (port==0){port=22; }
098                        Connection conn = new Connection(hostname,port);
099                        /* Now connect */
100                        conn.connect();
101                        /* Authenticate */
102                        boolean isAuthenticated=false;
103                        if (userpass.equals("")) {
104                                isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPublicKey(username,
105                                        keyfile, keyfilePass);
106                        }else{
107                                isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPassword(username,userpass);
108                        }
110                        if (isAuthenticated == false)
111                                throw new IOException("Authentication failed.");
112                        /* Create a session */
113                        Session sess = conn.openSession();
114                        sess.requestPTY("vt220");
115                        if (sudo.equals("sudo")) {
116                                sess.execCommand("sudo bash");
117                                // sess.execCommand("sudo bash");
118                        } else {
119                                sess.execCommand("/bin/bash");
120                        }
121                        Thread.sleep(10);
122                        usercommand = usercommand + "\n";
123                        sess.getStdin().write(usercommand.getBytes());
124                        sess.getStdin().write("exit\n".getBytes());
125                        sess.getStdin().write("exit\n".getBytes());
126                        Thread.sleep(10);
127                        InputStream stdout = new StreamGobbler(sess.getStdout());
128                        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdout));
129                        // output.append("Remote execution of "+usercommand+" returned:<br>");
130                        while (true) {
131                                String line = br.readLine();
132                                if (line == null)
133                                        break;
134                                if (filter.equals("")) {
135                                        output.append(line).append("<br>");
136                                } else {
137                                        if (line.startsWith(filter)) {
138                                                output.append(line).append("<br>");
139                                        }
140                                }
141                        }
142                        /* Close this session */
143                        sess.close();
144                        /* Close the connection */
145                        conn.close();
146                return output.toString();
147        }